Ra Ra ah ah ah
Roma Ro ma ma
Ga ga ooh la la
Want your bad romance........

Yay! I didn't get hit by a car! I survived! And now I am at home writing on this blog for you, thinking about you, and that makes me very very VERY happy. AND listening to Glee cast singing the Bad Romance. Hahah :)
Soon after you called today (and me putting some clothes on.....), I looked up in the internat to make sure I won't get lost or something. I didn't get lost, but I thought I was going to be late, so I called Minna while I was in the subway on my way to where we decided to meet. But then when I was on the phone with her, I tured around and saw her standing not far away from me asking where I was on the phone... Wow we managed to get on the same train AND the same cabin at the same time. That was pretty funny :) Then we started talking in the subway getting a head start on catching up with each other, and I noticed the two foreign guys who stood next to us kept looking at us and talked to each other in their own language, which made me a little bit nervous.
One of the guys started talking to me in English, and he told me in CHinese that I was beautiful, and he introduced himself to me. They told me that they were from Argentina, and somehow they started talking in Spanish. I told them I know a little bit of Spanish, and I started saying random words like Hola Adios Gracious Caca.. and they went 'Ohh you know the word Caca? It means "shit".' and they started laughing and asked me who taught me that. I was kinda embarassed because I knew what it means when my friend taught me, but I wasn't thinking when I said it.. They also asked if I were Hong Kongese, and they told me I have really good English.
We got off before they did, and Minna said she thought they were kinda flirty and they somehow disgusted her, then we started discussing what intention they had when they first told me that I was beautiful. Minna was convinced that they wanted to make friends then eventually have some sorts of random casual relationships.. but I just thought they were being friendly and it's nice to make friends because I'm sure it's kinda hard being as a foreigner in Hong Kong.
Our debate got cut off immediately when we both realised we got lost on the street, and when we asked around, we figured we got off at the wrong station. Good job Minna. She said she knew where to go. :P
We ended up finding the place we wanted to go eat, which was a sushi place and it was yummmmmmmy :)

We got to talk a lot, and it was great time. Being with her is different with being with anybody else. I can say she knows me as well as I know myself, and being with her is just like being with the missing part of me - I feel complete with her. We can talk about everything and be very open with each other, we always share the deepest things about us not just because we want to know, we care about each other so much that everything about each other matters. We also have such similar personalities and we share the total exact same values. She can tell when I need her even when I'm away from her in US, and she knows what I am thinking about just by the look of my face. We are so connected to each other, and we have very similar backgrounds, which makes everything easier. Her parents got divorced a couple years ago also, which made us have even more to talk about. I'm just so glad that I have her in my life. She is definately one of the greatest gifts that God has given me. Without her, I won't be the way I am, and I love her soooooo much.
OKAY! So I didn't have my brain with me, and was being retarted, that with no reason I went to the control panel to delete my audio driver and while it was being uninstalled I was like wait..... WHAT AM I DOING????? Then I started to press the control button like crazy but it was too late.. my audio driver got deleted under my eyes and my computer even started to re-start itself and everything I was working on was gone... ahh. My bro started laughing at me like crazy when I told him what happened.. oh I don't know what to do since I left all my back up CDs in US.. :'(
Anyway, let me show you more about Hong KOng :)

This lady in Pink is Minna. She was trying to walk away from the camera when she saw me taking pictures.
Ha! I still got her!

This is the Hong Kong Time Square, where we went shopping today.

More of time square.

This is what I saw when I looked out during the bus ride home

and when I was thinking about you :)
This is the Four Season Hotel, Hong Kong. Love this place.

Just random building in Central Hong Kong.

These are the taxi.

I spent a lot today.... I am sorry to inform you that your girlfriend is a little bit shopaholic. Minna and I bought our couple bracelet today to replace our old broken one.
We are always looking for something that last, but the thing is, we're not anybody else, we are Minna Mui and Wincy Ho. We managed to either lose everything we bought, or break them. Minna lost our first couple ring, then she lost the couple bracelet after a week we got them last summer, and so we had to get another couple bracelet from a different brand to replace that one and soon, somehow the both of us managed to break ours seperately within a month. So after we got this today, we made a promise that whoever break it next have to pay for a meal. And I'm pretty sure she's gonna pay.
I miss you, my dearest boyfriend. I love you I love you I love you. For the whole day I wished you could be here with me, so that you can get to meet Minna and we can hold hands and walk around. Minna and I were exchanging news, and she asked about my love life. I told her that I am in love with someone, and I'm serious this time. She looked at me and asked more about it, so I told her who you are and some random things about us. She was kinda worried because a) she doesn't know you, and b) she somehow thinks this is unrealistic, but she's glad that I'm serious and she can tell I love you a lot a lot a lot.
I do love you, a lot a lot a lot a lot.