Today was my mum's school graduation ceremony. I woke up at six, met up with my mum and her teachers at their school, and arrived the airport at eight. The ceremony was held in the airport hotel. It was a okay hotel, but then when I found this, I couldn't believe it and I thought it was really funny.I found it ridiculous because I thought they named it themselves, and since it was just a okay hotel they shouldn't be that big headed.. but later on I found out that, appearantly, it is true that this hotel won the world's best airtport hotel award. Well then... so why didn't they make this sign bigger?
Today was a pretty long day. As I was the stage manager, I was running around pretty much all day. You know I can get kinda annoyed and do panic a bit when things go wrong, and since I am pretty familiar with stage managing for shows like this, I knew what problems would happen and I knew how to fix them. But it was not the same this time, because today I was not the one who's in charged. Honestly I was nobody to this school except a one day helper... So I didn't say much or tried to take control over stuffs because those who were working with me today weren't just theatre workers or my core members.. they were all teachers who have been here for years. It would not be appropriate to tell them what to do, and it would be so impolite of me if I did. Therefore, eventho I saw problems and wanted to fix them, I just let things happened.. oh well, nothing was going to be the end of the world, and sometimes making mistakes could be fun also.
However, being as the principle's daughter at the same time was kinda awkward in such situations. Everyone tried to show their respects by being really formal with me, and some teachers even called me "Wincy Je-je" (Wincy big-sister).. which was totally awkward and I was so uncomfortable. Imagine Jamey suddenly call you "elder brother"......Yea. Not okay.
Although it was a pretty crazy day, but being around kids made me sooo happy :) They were soooooooooo cute.. they were so simple, and I just couldn't resist anything they asked me for... Yeeeep. I had a lot of "wanting to bite" moments today. It was hard.
Kids getting ready to perform. They were SO CUTE!
The world's best airport hotel........ ohhh I still can't believe it. Not that this hotel was terrible or something.. I just thought it would be funny to keep saying it over and over again.
2010 Graduates in their gown! It was a very nice colour, and it looked so cool when there were 200 kids in gowns walking together... and I found out afterward that it was my mum who actually picked the colour. Good job, mum!
The graduates were singing a song as an appreciation to the school. It was very nice :)
These are the friends that I made in two days. They were all sweet babies and I like them A LOT A LOT A LOT. They were all in the musical "The Wizard of Ox", which I sang the solo "Somewhere over the rainbow" for. They did a great job today, although there were some tech problems due to some brainless people not using what they didn't have.. but these kids were clever enough to make things happened:) Ohhh how I love them so!
Look at my face..... I got sooo hyper being around with these kids. :)
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