Today is the day that I've been looking for - England VS Germany! I have been thinking about it all day, and talking about it quite a lot. OHHH ENGLAND!!!!! Go ENGLAND!
Left side ENGLAND right side Germany.
SInging the National SOng :)
The team. Gerrard as Captain! :) Great team tactic, great players!!!!
SO I am watching England VS Germany now.. it has been 28mins but Germany is already leading 1:0....
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( :( :( I am saddddddd... I am soooooo sad boyfriend.. come hole me pleaaaaaaaseee... I want England to win..
2:0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Germany just goal and it's now 2:0... WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT's GOINNGGG ONNN WITH ENGLANNDDD!!!!! I don't want to watch it anymore... :( I don't want to watch my team lose.. I want my England to win I want to keep seeing Gerrard playing in World cup.. This is his last game in world cup I want my Gerrard to win... Ohh he just saved an "almost-goal".. Good job my babe!
YAYYYYYYY It's now 2:1!!!!!!! Uoson wayyy to goooooo YOU!!!Gooooood Job!!!! Wow this game is pretty intense.. they keep getting points after points... wow.
WHATTTT!!! Another goal for ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! Wait...... WHHHATTTT!!! The judge said that didn't count because the ball didn't pass the white line.. HEYYYYY It should be 2:2 right now! Everyone on the tv saw it!!! I SAW IT!!!! It clearly did pass the whilte line YOU RETARDED JUDGE! IT WAS INNNNN!!!
Gosh this game is sooooooooooo intense..
............ the first half is over. 2:1 Germany's winning.. NO IT SHOULD BE 2:2!!!
AHHHHHH I am sooooo mad right now. :( BOYFRIEND I NEED YOU TO HOLD ME SOOO BAD!!! I am sooo mad!!!!! And sad :( England should win... ENGLAND SHOULD WINNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO my friend (who was also my ex boyfriend, who I told you about and is getting married next year) and I were texting about how mad we are at the judge, and he was joking around and told me to send someone to kill that one judge. We were talking about the game today in church, and since we're both England hard-core fans we got sooo excited talking about it. And so we both are sooo mad when he stupid judge mis-judged. :(
(Oh Gerrard just smiled. CUTE!)
(BUT My boyfriend is CUTER!!!!)
(and you just called... ohhh boyfriend I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! It was not fun not being able to say I love you... My dad was sitting right next to me, and he sure would understand every word I say....... BUT that doesn't mean you love me more!!!!!!!!! Nonononononononononononononononononononononono I love you so much my silly boyfriend. I love you MORE! Humm!!)
I wanna cry.
Thanks, boyfriend. Thanks for cheering for Germany. They are now SO GONNA WIN!!
It's sooo funny.. many friends of mine are talking about the game tonight, so I am busying replying messages on facebook and skype and MSN and watching the game and writing you on here at the same time. It's sooo funny seeing half of my friend got soooo excited for Germany and the rest of them are allll upset about losing... It's a good thing that everyone's on their laptop. I am talking to sooo many old friends who I haven't talked for soo long. It's fun commenting on people's statues and getting replies from everywhere haha.
Hmmmm the game is over... England lost by 4:1...... I am sooo sad. They should have lost by 3:2 (some even say 2:2), not this 4:1 crap...
OH and I just saw Gerrard half naked... hmmm........ :)

We're wearing watches from the same brand :) TOMMY HILFIGER is my all time favourite brand. I only like to wear clothes from them, and I have many other things from them too. And that's why I got you that watch... :)
I didn't do much today either. Went to church, talked to people, went to the video game place and tried to drive stick shift car... lost every games that I played in while I was still learning to do breaks..
Talked to my friend Marco :)
It's funny because his last name is Jim, and he had a first name Jim when I first met him way back when, and everyone called him Jim Jim, Jim Jim... hahahaa. (AND my brother is a terrible photographer.)
Kids from church. I don't really like them because they're all spoiled kids. Terrible behaviours.
We watched two movies when we got back home. THe first one was The Others with Nicole Kidman (She was very very very pretty.) It was a horror movie that my bro picked. Seems like he's addicted to horrored movies after watching Carrie. Bad.
The second movie I put up was a movie called Ip Man. It's a CHinese Kung Fu movie and my favourite man DOnnie Yan (The one from Dragon Tiger Gate, also was the one I told you about me yelling his name when I got drunk) was the main actor. I still haven't finish that movie yet, I might probably continue after writing you on here (afterall my boyfriend is more important!)
I love you my silly :) It was raining all day today, which made me think about you SO MUCH. I like thinking about you, and I love rainy days because it reminds me of........... Ooops. Not gonna say it out.
Teeheeeeeee :)
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