Hi, my super silly boyfriend:) Oh so I was playing The Sims today, and I finally created another Wincy Ho and Zach Owens family seperately. We're neighbours now but you never came visit... :( And you started talking to other girls and make friends with other people instead of me... Ohhh that game is sooo depressing.. :( But good thing was that I found you a job, and this time I remember what that is. You're a techno hecker... and you got promoted right after the first day you went to work! Ummhmm! I knew my boyfriend was smarrrrrt... hahahaha.
I love you my silly. I love you SO MUCH silly boyfriend :) You're my silly silly silly boyfriend and I love you soooo very much!! I have been thinking about you all day, wishing you could be here with me so that we could play The Sims together and laugh at those little Sims people when they do stupid things.. :) I love you. I want to say it to you now because I really do love you so much. Boyfriend.. you make me happy even just by thinking about you.
Remember we were talking about disgusting things that people eat? I had sooo much fun telling you all those and I hope you still like your girlfriend even she has eaten chicken's ovaries before. Or big blood. Or horses'.... wait!! I have never eaten THAT before and I know I never will. EWW!
This is a picture I meant to post on the blog last night but I forgot to. This is something my bro ordered in a Japanese restaurant where we had supper with my dad and Kai. He meant to order Salmon fish head with tofu.. but when this came we all laughed and I decided to take a picture of it and show you.
I thought it was very funny, that fish looked shock and ohh poor salmon. Just thought you would enjoy seeing what was on our table at supper last night :)
And we also ordered some sashimi which was pretty pretty :)
I didn't do much today. I went to bed late last night (or early this morning) and I fell asleep on the coach. It was a pretty good sleep tho, except that those ships outside could get pretty loud and annoying.
I woke up at 12-ish by a phone call from dad, saying that we had a family gathering with his side's family in the buffet lounge in a hotel. Actually, both my bro and I didn't want to go, because we had been to that hotel for wayyy too many times, and the worst thing was that they never change their menu.. so we ate the exact same things everytime we went. But it was great seeing my dad's side family after not seeing any of them for two years. My dad has three brothers and one sister, but only the sister and one of his brother and their family went today. My grand parents are in Canada right now, and the others were all busy. I have four cousins from my dad's side, but only one of them came. It is crazy seeing children grow.... I remember the last time I saw that one cousin of mine two years ago, he was soo small and cute and quiet, and he would come to me and asked for Jackie and he would hold him all the time and stufff... but today, he was all that kind of social and talked a lot, and he even looked me into my eyes and said hello... He's 11 but is already as tall as I am.... Wow. Childrens are scary. You never know how will they transform into tomorrow.
This is some dessert that my brother got for himself at that buffet place.. I thought it was kinda funny. I have absolutely no idea what that purple pear thing was...
And this is what I got. I hate all kinds of desserts, because I hate sweet or creamy things or cake or chocolate or anything that taste like sugar.... but these were all those "none sweet" ones that I can handle...
Annnndddd I found little pieces of gold on that jello thing
I wonder if that means I will have golden pooops these days.... ahahahhaha sorry too much information hahahhaha. (If I do I'll tell you )
Today was a pretty day, I woke up and my brother was already sitting next to me looking out the window saying "Waaaa sooo pretty out." :) It's rear to have sunny days with blus skies here in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is sooooooo air-polluted and most of the time it's cloudy and grey. I do miss Iowa for the blue sky (AND maybe, just maybe.. my boyfriend too.)

I love you so much my number one silly boy;) Thank you for that sweet e-mail, you're such a sweet person, did you know that? I enjoy reading your e-mails so much, that I do re-read them over and over and over again when I miss you. Did you know that, when we first started talking on skype way back when you were in LA, I was worrying the whole time that, everything would be different once we get closer to each other and start talking on the phone, or communicating through some other ways. I got used to talking to you by typing, and I didn't even wanted to change the way we communicate because I was afraid.. I didn't know what will the future be like, and I was sooo afraid. I was afriad that I'd lose you, and that we won't be as good as we were anymore once we get more ways to communiate better.
But see how good we are now. We get to talk twice everyday, I enjoy every calls we made, and I know I can just not do anything and talk to you the whole day. I especially enjoy reading your e-mails (and past skype conversations) because they are words that I can read anytime, to make myself feel secured. I love how good we were, and I love how good we are now. It hasn't been that long, but wow I never realised that we've been through quite a lot. All those movies, great time we spent in West, the night before you left for Christmas, all those great conversations we had over Christmas and I shared with you my family stuff and all my worries.. all those texts and skype conversations.. You were in LA and I got back from Toronto to OC.. Into the Woods rehersal bumping head and legs.. I went to Europe and you told me you love me.. you then got back to Iowa and then OC... and now I am at home in Hong Kong and you're at home in Cedar Rapids.. I like thinking about all those and I like to remember how good we were when we were just friends, and how good we are after we deciede to date:) .. (I still don't like the word "date".. sound soooo informal and playful.. Plus we haven't really went out on a date..... yet. )
Boyfriend.. I so look forward to the day you finally "date" me hahahahahhaah :) Make it special! ;)
Silly boyfriend.. I like how you said in your e-mail, that you'll love me forever and you want to marry me one day. It makes me happy.. I wasn't that scared when you said that on the phone that one time, I was just shock because I never really thought about getting married.. not this yet. I still feel like I am a child and isn't mature enough, eventho I know I love you sooo much and I also want live with you forever. I know many people got married at my age, but honestly I am still scared of marriage.. Marriage doesn't sound eternal or everlasting to me anymore. I saw wayy too many examples.. my best friend's parents, many of my other friends' parents AND my own parents. That doesn't mean I don't want to live with you forever, or that I don't trust you or anything. It just mean that.. getting married isn't something I look forward, or brave enough to do.
Silly boyfriend.. I like how you said in your e-mail, that you'll love me forever and you want to marry me one day. It makes me happy.. I wasn't that scared when you said that on the phone that one time, I was just shock because I never really thought about getting married.. not this yet. I still feel like I am a child and isn't mature enough, eventho I know I love you sooo much and I also want live with you forever. I know many people got married at my age, but honestly I am still scared of marriage.. Marriage doesn't sound eternal or everlasting to me anymore. I saw wayy too many examples.. my best friend's parents, many of my other friends' parents AND my own parents. That doesn't mean I don't want to live with you forever, or that I don't trust you or anything. It just mean that.. getting married isn't something I look forward, or brave enough to do.
But don't get me wrong, I do very much want to live with you and grow old with you.. Because I love you, and I will love you forever. You still have no idea how much I love you.. I love you more that just being with you and spending all my time with you. I love you more than wanting to experience life with you. I love you so much more than that... but you just have absolutely no idea. Because you're my silly boyfriend. That's alright, I guess. :)
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