Boyfriend... I miss you.. I so wish you could be here with me so that I could hide in you and you could hold me and tell me that everything's gonna be okay.. I miss you boyfriend. You make me happy, I would like to have a Zach Owens attached to me 24-7 so that he can keep me happy all the time. Can I? Can I?? Can I drop by Cedar Rapids to kidnap you and carry you everywhere I go???
I didn't do much today. I had a great afternoon being with my friend, we had a great time hanging out and catching up with life. I didn't bring my camera with me because I forgot to charge my battery.. so no pictures for you today sorry boyfriend. It was funny because when he first saw me he went "Hey you are prettier than the last time I saw you, are you in love?" I didn't tell him about you but I told him that I am definately in love with someone great :)
If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,
That would soar a thousand feet high,
To Sir, with Love
That would soar a thousand feet high,
To Sir, with Love

If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,
But I, would rather you let me give my heart,
To Sir, with Love
But I, would rather you let me give my heart,
To Sir, with Love
I got home at 5-ish and started practising. It went well today, I made a lot of progress altho it took me a sweet couple hours of practices. My bro took a nap from 5 and woke up at 9-ish (I think that's a family gene here), and he said it sounded like two totally different person before and after he took that nap. He was amazed how much I had improved within a day :)
Boyfriend my boyfreiend... life hasn't been easy here in Hong Kong. My mum went crazy and left the house, I haven't seen her for sooo long and am worrying for her quite a bit. I would call her if she didn't act so horribly toward everyone yesterday night. Hmmm I don't want to talk too much sad things on here.. I will tell you when you ask me next time. I just want you to know that I really really love you, and I so want to be with you right now.
I am watching the World Cup atm. The game tonight is pretty intense - Brazil VS Portugal. THe world's top no.1 and no.3 team playing against each others, the score is still 0:0 so far no one has scored. The second half has just started, but both team have already gotten 7 yellow cards in total. So funny the narrator said this game seems more like a hockey game, which I totally agree with.

I love you my silly boy.
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