So I have been planning on writing on here for you earlier tonight, but I kept getting distracted by Family Guy that my brother had put up on TV.. teeheee :)
*** AND GUESS WHAT!! On Family Guy just now, a guy just slapped his girl and the girl asked "I said I would go with you, why did you still slap me?" And the guy said "Because I love you." And then they kissed. Awwwwwwwwwww. That's what I am talking about! ***
I miss you my boyfriend. I have been thinking about you ALL DAY and that makes me sooooo happy! I love you my boyfriend. I love when you call, your calls always make my day and make me love you more and more each day. You're so great, my boyfriend. I love you so much! Everywhere I went today, I imagined what would it be like if you were there with me, and I felt so happy! Oh my dearest boyfriend, you just always have ways to distract me and make me happy do you.. :)
*** Oh and Meg is making out with her boyfriend... HOW OLD IS SHE? And... Lois is watching them. Eww.***
After talking to you, I took and shower and waited a total one hour for the boys to get up. My brother ended up not going out with us because he went to bed late last night, and by the time we left the house it was already lunch time so I called my mum up and see if she would like to join lunch with us in a shopping mall. She did, and we ate at a Japanese restaurant. Then I took Kai to central Hong Kong for some museums and walked around by the habour..
Wished you could have been there with me.
The Clock tower which was built by the English
*** Hahahahahaa I love Family Guy!! ***
The Hong Kong Cultural Centre. I discovered there that my favourite pianist, Zimmerman, is going to perform in Hong Kong on June 22! I HAVE TO GO.
It was pretty funny today, for the whole day I was the one who took pictures of everywhere and seemed like a tourist more than Kai did... and I was a little bit lost (no surprise) and he was the one who told me where to go and showed me the directions. :/
I miss you my boyfriend. I wished you could have been here to tell me where to go and maybe take my hand and show me around......... I want you to be here so bad, I miss actually seeing you and talking to you and be held by you.. It is crazy to think about it was a month ago since I last saw you, boyfriend I miss you. I miss you soooo much, I even feel like I am ready to be ridiculous and leave everything to go to Iowa. Can I? Can I?? :(
Boyfriend I love you. Boyfriend... boyfriend.............. ummm my boyfriend.... :) Thinking about you make me so happy. I am smiling just by writing you on here. Boyfriend.. I love you. I love you I love you I love you... BOYFRIEND!
*** And WIncy Ho is thinking about Zach Owens and smiling like an idiot. ***
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