Boyfriend I miss you soooooooooooo much. :( I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you....... BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!! :( Can you be here NOW? Can you come here to hold me and tell me how much you love me and that you will love me forever and ever? Boyfriend.. please? Come here and hold me.. PLEASE???
I sent you an e-mail while I was watching the TV today. It was a traveling documentary, they went to Mexico and they talked about manydifferent beaches all over Mexico.. Ahhhhhhhhh BEACHES! I wanna go kick tortles on beaches! .. Well..... that'd be not nice of me to kick tortles but you know what I mean... I mean.. I WANT TO GO TO BEACHES IN MEXICO. We do have a few beaches near home, but they are all small ones and the water isn't as clear as in Mexico.. I wanna go to Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!!! Can we go to Mexico sometime in the future together? I want to travel with you.. and Jackie. We can go swimming and so Jackie won't be coming with us..
Oh and the news just said after a research, they found out that Hong Kong people is the richest people in Asia, Singapore came second and then statistic statistic statistics...... Well, way to go Hong Kong people, but I don't think that's a good thing tho.. People got soooo spoiled by all the money they have, they are starting to lose respect of other individuals and becoming prideful as time goes. It's such a materialistic city itself, more rich people more competitive people are and more spoiled children there is.
My mum just called and said she has booked the ticket to Taiwan. We will be leaving on 15th July.. which is.. two days from today. My mum is craving for a holiday she said she can't stand staying in Hong Kong anymore she needs to go somewhere... that's why it's such a hurry, we even haven't have our visa ready yet so I'll have to go over to the office tomorrow and see what can I do with it. We will be back on 19th, that means we'll stay in TW for 5 days which also mean we might not be able to talk for five whole days. YIKE! I know :( I am sorry boyfriend.. I am soooooooooo sorry :( BAD GIRLFRIEND! Boyfriend..... I am going to miss you like CRAZY I am serious. I will think about you all day and all night and will miss you and you know how I worry about everything... It's gonna drive me CRAZY thinking about you missing you worrying about you..................................... :'(
I am reading the news. Some associations did a research and interviewed 4500 elemantry schoolers. They found out that over 50 of them had been forced to have sexual activities, 42 of them have been having sexual activities with their "boyfriends" "girlfriends"and 70% of them weren't afraid of getting pregnant, all they cared was that it might affect their school work. 10 of them had used condoms and 15 of them are on birth control. I mean... REALLY? ELEMANTRY KIDS? Isn't that illegal and crazy and disgusting and MADNESS! I know it seems to be only a few of that 4500. But still. Even 1 is MADNESS. Holy cow. They are elemantry kids not even middle schoolers. Honestly I didn't know what a bra is until I was 12, and I didn't know what sexual activities were until I was really old. I thought people get babies from kissing!! Pooor kids... They WILL regret when they are oldER. God bless their tiny bodies.
ALL my friendsssssss are back because schools in UK has just broke up and now their summer begins! Unfortunately I'm going to Taiwan, and I will be leaving HK soon... :( I am so sad. I waited and waited for my friends to be back but now I'll have to go soon. I have all my lunch/supper dates planned but still not enough to see everyone and hang out with all of them. :( But good thing is that, I told you right that I have to ex roommates - one from Korea and the other one from HK as well. I went out on a supper date with Yui, the HK roommate; and June, my Korean roommate just told me that she's coming to HK on 22th!!!!! And the three of us are going to meet up! YAYAYYAYAYAYAY I am soooooooooo happy! June is definately one of my very close friends. I went to Korea to visit her last summer, and we were on the phone all the time when I was in US while she was in UK. Sometimes she would go to Portland for vaccation and we would be on the phone ALL DAY since it's so much cheaper to make a domestic call. I would mail her cheetos and other American snacks and she would write me letters :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE her ohhhhh I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO PUMPED!
Boyfriend I MISS YOU! I want to be with you SO BAD......................... boyfriend.. can you come visit when I get back to Iowa? Can you come and hold me so that I can prepare to be an RA and not be sooo overwhelmed by all the new girls in Hospers and also the fact that many of my old friends who were always here when I needed them won't be there anymore? Eduardo used to say that I am soooo needy and I never thought so... but appearantly I AM. I need people. I need those special people to comfort me and remind me all the time that I can be great and awesome.
Boyfriend.. I need you the most. I missssss youuuuuuuuu.
Oh you just got online! Guess I'll have to concentrate on talking to you! I love you my silly boyfriend!
P.S I started playing The Sims again and I couldn't find my sims people anywhere. I'm sure they ran away together and left their creator staring at their empty house wondering what is going on.
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