Today is our last day here in Taiwan. I can't wait to go back so that I can talk to you and see you on skype. I miss you boyfriend..... I don't like days not being able to see you and talk to you, I feel soooooo awfully terrible without knowing how my boyfriend is and wondering if he misses me... Do you miss me?
We got to slept in, and everyone were sooo tired from yesterday, that we couldn't wake up until we realized we had 30 minutes left to pack up to check out with the hotel. After checking out and storing our stuff at the hotel, we walked around and I found mum the food place that she has longing to eat at. We had famous rice dumplings there and it was a pretty good meal. Then we got to walk around TaiPei city and shop for the last time. Things in Taiwan are sooo much cheaper, but it can also be a bad thing because that made us bought things that were not neccessary... whatever we saw and thought was cheap, we had the great urge to buy it which actually made us spent more than we wanted. Ohhhhh the shopaholic Hos.

Kai said, if we try to discribe the difference between Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hong Kong would be a handsome young man; where as Taiwan would be an traditional middle aged man. It was kinda true. Taiwan is so much more down to earth and traditional. People there have so much more freedom as an individual. I really like Taiwan I would love to go visit again just to experience the old traditional culture that Hong Kong has lost.
We left TaiPei City at 5, we could have gotten another hour in TaiPei since our flight was at 9, but my mum was convinced that it was at 8 so we arrived the airport at 6 and didn't know what to do next. I got you a post card and was writing it on the taxi, planning to mail it out when we got to the airport BUT ridiculously enough, the post office was closed and I had searched the entire airport, that there was NO WAY to by a stamp anywhere. No stamp machine, book store didn't have stamps, service counter didn't sell stamps, post office was closed.... RIDICULOUS. That's an airport come on. No stamp in the airport? Then why did they sell post cards in the book store and not provide stamps?
We were searching for the gate C3, and we walked pass this.
And when we look closely.. It was the gate we were suppose to be at to get on the flight! What an interesting gate.
So 5 minutes before we board I finally found a stamp machine at the back of a pop machine hiding in a corridor which no one would ever walk past... and the stamp machine only accept coins. To get 12 $3.5 stamps needed 48 NTD which I only had 36 dollars in coins... I asked my mum and my bro to search their bags to see if there were any coins hidden anywhere but no luck. So I had to say goodbye to the stamp machine and carry the post cards back to Hong Kong :'( Sorry boyfriend.. no post card mailed from Taiwan anymore.
I tool a good nap on the plane. I woke up when we were ready to land, and no kidding - this pilot was the WORST pilot I've ever met. His landing was AWFUL. I thought I was gonna die I am serious. WHen the plane was landing, it hit the ground first and bounced in the air and then it finally touched the ground again. Then the plane went soooo fast, I could hear the noise of the luggages jumping on the over head storage area. Suddently the pilot must have pushed the brake so everyone went forward and oh, I was sweating sooo bad.
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