It has been two whole years since the last time we got together :) June, Yui and I, were such good friends when the three of us were all in Ashford School. We lived in Brooke House, Room 10, so we name ourselve the Room 10 people.. And today, is the longing Room Ten reunion day.
I met June and her sisters by the habour and we went shop around. June is only going to stay in Hong Kong till Sunday, so we don't really have enough time to spend. The reason she's here was pretty funny... Her sister is about the marriage age but she needs a boyfriend... so her parents sent her to Hong Kong to look for some hahahah. I know June and her family pretty well because when I went to Korea last year, I stayed with her family and they took me everywhere. I had an amazing time in Korea and met a lot of new Korean friends because of June and her sister. I remember I went to a Jazz bar with them because June's sister's friends performed there. Then I got to hang out with the band and got drunk and puked in the restaurant..... Well, let's not go on with that.
I showed them around and we shopped for a good while :P We went to all those famous shops like Gucci or Chanel or Louis Vitton and we ended up in Tiffany & Co because June's sister said she wanted to buy herself an engagement ring. It was really funny, we were playing around in the most famous jewelry shop in the world while everybody was so serious and ridiculously rich.. the four of us were just trying their diamond rings and stuff. BAD tourists. Oh well, we had SO MUCH fun in there anyways.
We then went to a new shopping mall and we walked into a restaurant for snack. It was a burger place and we ordered one burger to share between the four of us because it was right before supper time, we didn't want to eat too much. The waitress asked if all of us were from Korea and June and her sisters wouldn't let me speak for myself. They said I really looked like a Korean and I should join them and live in Korea in the future ;) During our meal, we got a free salad and we spent the rest of our meal guessing why did we get free stuff. One of June's sister didn't like it and said in Korean "Do we look very poor?" and we all laughed. I said maybe that's because we were foreigner (well, three and one fake foreigner) but there were western foreigner everywhere in that restaurant. June said maybe they wanted us to promote their restaurant since we talked a lot and were soooo loud. June's other sister said maybe it was for advertisement because people walk by our table and they can look from the outside and see us. We then found a big menu right outside of our window where everyone would pass by, and it proved that June's sister was right, it was for advertising the restaurant so that when people walk pass they could see how many food we had on our table and how happy people, namely the three of us, were eating in the restaurant. It was pretty funny.
Yui met up with us and we decided to have Hotpot for supper. Hotpot means there's a hot boiling soup in the middle of the table, and we can order un-cooked food and we will put them in the boiling soup looking at it being cooked in front of us. It's my favourite kinds of food and I swear I can eat hotpot everyday for every meal. Both Yui and I wanted to go eat hotpot sooooo bad, but June didn't want to. She wanted to eat expensive traditional CHinese or expensive traditional Japanese. We finally persuaded her to go eat hotpot with us, and she ended up loving the food soooooooo much :)
During the meal, June suddently said "This reminded me of Ms Spittal (our English teacher from Ashford)" we asked why, and she said "Because this reminded me of Macbeth.. at the beginning of Macbeth there were three witches cooking" it was pretty funny.
We had a lot of fun and great conversations that I don't remember at the moment.... I will let you when I do teheeee :) I got home real later last night because we hung out more after supper. There's always people on the street 24-7. Hong Kong people never sleep so it is pretty safe to be out even it is midnight.
I miss you boyfriend... sorry another crapy post. Bad girlfriend.
BUT I love you!
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