I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but you told me you would like to know when I talk to any of my exes so I am telling you that I was actually texting with the one who's engaged while I was on my way to meet Minna. We are both football fans and we were texting each other during last night's game. We both wanted netherlands to win but they lost.. the game last till 5-ish in the morning and he had to work at 8 so he was complaining and that was pretty funny. We were joking around about Paul the octopus, a German octopus who has remarkable ability to predict all the world cup games result correctly. He is now a pretty famous octopus.
Iker Casilas got the golden gloves honour of World Cup 2010. Sara Car, an interviewer, also his girlfriend interviewed him and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. See the video Here :)
Ohhh I can't believe the World Cup is over..... No staying up late for girlfriend anymore!!! Can't believe it. Four years later....... I CAN'T WAIT! :) We WILL watcht the next World Cup together okay? And I will teach you about foodball eventho we won't see Steven Gerrard serving for England anymore...... :'( But I found a new guy I like! Ozil from Germany! Oh and Fucile from Uruguay! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh and of course Forlan from Uruguay also. And Casilas..! And Thomas Muller from Germany!!!!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahhahahahahaaa. That's not only one guy.. hahahah. OH! And Zachary Thomas Owens from Iowa!!!!!!!!! He IS the best I love him so.... :) Zachary is THE BESTERESTEREST! Muah! I love him SO!

Yep we went shopping. I guess I better not tell you what I bought because I know I'd scare you away... :) Sorry you girlfriend IS a shopaholic.. Shopping shopping shopping.....!! Hhaahaa. Oh. Yea. Save money. That's right. Okay.. I'll start from.......... tomorrow :P I hope that's okay. :)
This is the shopping mall we went. Hong Kong is known as the "Shopping Heaven" and it's very true. Shopping malls are EVERYWHERE. It's hard not to walk in one, and it's even harder not to buy anything....... teheee. Excuses! I know..... but it's true tho.

We then went to one of the most crowded place in Hong Kong. We did more shopping and went to a good Japanese restaurant. We went to that restaurant because I did some research about that restaurant online and read the reviews from previous costomers. It's something Minna and I usually do before we went out for a date. We decide what kind of food we want to get the night before, and one of us (namely, me) will go online to check where are all the good food places are, then we'd book the table. We went to this restaurant which is famous with their udon. It was pretty good, we had a good time but both of us were super tired. I was tired from not having enough sleep and she was tired from working. We ended up going home early. I am still tired and it's now 12.26.. but still not in bed :)

We had many great conversations today. I told her things I'm struggling with, and that sometimes when my bro and my mum fight sooo bad that I just wanted to head back to Iowa immediately so that I don't have to think about it anymore. I also told her how weird my family turned into, that my parents never talked and my family wouldn't eat together or go anywhere together.. either the three of us without my dad, or just my bro with my dad and me with my mum. My dad wouldn't dine with us even he's at home when we have supper, he would either cook his meal seperately or eat out by himself. I hate when this happen.. I want a family why is it so hard to have a healthy happy family? I didn't expect that at all when I was in Iowa ready to head home.. All I was thinking was "Yay our family finally gets to be together after not being able to do so for 5 years!" and now see what I get. Anyway let's not talk about it... I hate thinking about things like this. It hurts when I think about my family, and it hurts even more when I'm with them knowing none of them are happy. It hurts SO BAD. Boyfriend.. I am jealous. Everytime when you tell me how your family plays games together and dine out.. I want to do that to . We used to be like that you know? Oh no girlfriend is crying.. I shouldn't be. I should stop talking about family stuffs here.
Anyway we had fun joking around and making fun of each other too. And I told her how I talked to you about her, and you commented about how our relationship is like couples in love and you thought it was strange.. She went "So what does he expect? We have been together for 7 whole years!" And she kept on going about you shouldn't try to steal me away because eventho if you try it's not gonna work because I belong to her. And she asked me to marry her hahaha. (We're always like that. We throw random questions at each other and sometimes we talk about marrying each other hahahahahah) We'd hold hands and walk around, we make weird noises and sometimes laugh at strangers in very mean ways.. I know terrible girlfriend! SOrry! Hahah eventho Minna asked me to marry her but soon after she hated me because I was making fun of her. She would say all kinds of mean things and go crazy about saying how much she hates me... Hahahaaaa this best friend of mine is always like that. As I said, I am the only one in the entire world can handle a person like her. And she is also one of the few who can love me without expecting anything in return. I know whatever I do, she'd trust in me and that I won't lose her ever.

I miss you my boyfriend. You have absolutely NO IDEA how much I miss you....... boyfriend.. I miss you. I want to be with you.. I want to run to you right now and not think about anything.. I WANT TO RUN AWAY WITH YOU and leave EVERYTHING behind. But that's not realistic is it? I have to continue school soon and you have work. We both have our family to take care of and that it'd be selfish of us to run away. And we have no money. Boyfriend.. I love you. But... okay I shouldn't say it here in case you'd go crazy and I don't want to scare you. Boyfriend I am sorry your girlfriend is like this all the time. She worries sooo much and doesn't trust in anything.. Oh boyfriend forgive me for what I am having in my mind. I don't want to lose you. I really don't.
I love you I really do. I love you soooooooo much. If I don't I wouldn't worry soooo much.. I care about you I care about us and I love you. I love you sooo much that I know I will love you forever and my love for you will never die even when you're no longer with me. I love you boyfriend, I do.
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