We woke up at 10-ish and took the railway to the station where we met up with Kai. We had our little brunch and I LOVED the food. We had hotpot (un-cooked food placed in boiling soup being cooked in front of you) and I LOVE hotpot!!!! I dreamed about eating it everyday when I was in NWC, and lucky enough I did get to have it once in OC when my japanese friends (Yuika and Ikuyo) decided to cook for me :)
M to the O to the T to the O to the R........ MOTOR CYCLES!!!! And a lot of them... See I told you, they are EVERYWHERE.
After filling our tummies and getting comfortable to be on the road again, Kai took us to the Northernest point of Taiwan. It's a pretty old area of Taiwan so it was so interesting to us. Especially the food.. We can read what it says on the poster in front of the food because we have the same writings (Only HK and TW have the same writings.. and we're lucky because my bro and my mum can't speak Madarin but they can certainly survive just by reading :) ) but eventho we can read the words, we don't understand what all that means or what kind of food it really is.
And they had their first kiss here.
SO PRETTY. I was thinking about you and wishing that you could be there with me the whole time.
We then went back to TaiPei city and we went to some different places and tried food that was famous. Both Kai and I had been trying to figure out what food my family would like, and he really hoped that we have a good stay in TaiWan. He was worrying the whole time if my family is happy or hungry or tired, and if they like the food or places that we went visit and TaiWan in gerneral. I told him not to worry about it and he was still very worried. I feel sorry and I really hope him to stop worrying. He has been such a great tour guide (way better than I was when he came visit). He had work in the morning and he had been out with us and tried soooo hard to make my family happy. He had been taking care of us and he was just so thoughtful.. I know I can't ask for more and I am soooo grateful that I know him and have a friend like him. Boyfriend, this roommate of yours is such a great friend I want you to know that! And I know you propably already knew that too :)
We all got tired so we got back to the hotel early. I had a pretty good spa with the massage bath tub in our bathroom, so I'm ready to fall asleep any minute now. It was sooooo scary just now, my mum was taking a shower and my bro was sleeping. Then I heard door bell. I didn't open the door because I knew nobody would need anything from us or we would need anything from this other person. And it would be dangerous to open the door since one of the three wass unconsious and the other one was definately not ready if anything happens.. So I just waited behind the door and thought the person would go away after ringing it a couple times without an answer. But the door bell kept ringing and ringing. I tried to peek from the door hole (eye piece?) but I couldn't find the door hole. Then I heard sound of key pushing in our key hole and the door was getting unlock. I didn't know what to do so I locked it while it was being unlock, and so it created a pretty funny picture that one side was trying to unlock the door by turning the key one way and the other side was trying to keep the door locked by turning to lock the other way. Then I heard a lady's voice. She asked "Did you not order a bottle of water?" I said no and I didn't hear anything since. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaky! I am sure the hotel that we are staying is a pretty okay one, and we should be safe staying here. But it was still scary because a) we didn't order a bottle of water. b) they have our door key (which is normal) but they TRIED to get in just to give us a bottle of water. :/ That doesn't make sense to me. At all.
I was scared.. and still am. I don't feel secured and I think I should probably talk to the reception at the lobby tomorrow. BOyfriend..... can you please come and hold me? I don't think I will ever feel secured without you. I need you. I need you to be with me 24-7. Can you? I miss you my boyfriend. I miss you soooooooooooooooooo much. You have NO IDEA! I think about you like every second and especially more when I see things that remind me of you. Like.. starbucks.. pretty scenes.. couples holding hands on the road.. Kai... Jackie.. Food I like that would make me want to tell you immediately... and soooooo much more. I think about you, and I smile whenever I think about you. I smiled when I thought of you and your penguin when I was in the train, I didn't know that I was smiling until I looked at the window that reflected my smile on my face. I know I love you sooo much. I love you Boyfriend.... You are my everything my silly :) You really are :) I can't wait to be home so I'll be able to talk to you.. and I can't wait to be back in Iowa so that the distance between us will go straight down from over a thousand million miles to just 5 hours away. I am excited :)
I love you. We should kiss.
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