Shrek: Bet my bottom?
Boyfriend.. I love you. I had sooo much fun talking to my silly boyfriend this morning and I just wanted to let you know that I love you soooooooooooooo very very very much. I love you I love you I love you I love you my silly boyfriend. I thought I couldn't have loved you more, but somehow I am loving you more and more each day. Boyfriend.. I love you.
After talking to you today I went straight to bed (hahaa) and wouldn't wake up even it was time to go. So my mum left without my company, and I finally woke up at... 2030-ish ;) It was a nice nap, and after the sweet long nap my bro and I went down to get food. Us people were sooooo lazy, none of us wanted to move and we have always been that way. So most of the time we eat out even it means we have to pay extra and maybe sometimes not as good as home cooked. :P

I started watching Shrek after supper, I already got Shrek 1 and 2 down and now I'm moving toward Shrek 3... I was crying sooo bad while watching Shrek 2 haha. It was sooooooo touching you know? Fiona would change into an ugly ogre just to be with Shrek. She knew he was the only thing she has ever wanted. Awwwwwww...

Shrek: Ogres are like onions.
Donkey: They stink?
Shrek: Yes. No.
Donkey: Oh, they make you cry.
Shrek: No.
Donkey: Oh, you leave em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs.
Shrek: NO. Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers.
Princess Fiona: The battle is won. You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight.
Shrek: Uh, no.
Princess Fiona: Why not?
Shrek: I have helmet hair.
Princess Fiona: Please. I would'st look upon the face of my rescuer.
Shrek: Oh, no, you wouldn't... tst.
Princess Fiona: But... how will you kiss me?
Shrek: What? That wasn't in the job description.
The Donkey: Maybe it's a perk.
Donkey: You love this woman, don't ya?
Shrek: Yes.
Donkey: Do you wanna hold her?
Shrek: Yes.
Donkey: Please her?
Shrek: Yes.
Donkey: Then ya gotta, gotta try a little 'tenderness' ! Chicks love that romantic crap.
Donkey: [desperately talking] I don't want to rush into a... physical relationship... I'm not that emotionally ready for a... uh... commitment of this... uh... magnitude! Really, that's the word I'm looking for, magnitude... Huh! Hey, that is unwanted physical contact! Hey! What're you doing? Okay, okay, okay... let's just back up a little and take this one step at a time... I mean, we should really get to know each other first, you know, as friends or maybe even as pen pals, you know, coz I'm on the road a lot, but I just love to get a card... Hey, hey, hey, don't do that, that's my *tail*, that's my personal tail, you're gonna tear it off! I don't give permission to... Hey, what're you gonna do with that? Oh, no, no, no, no... no!
Donkey: I don't get it, Shrek. Why didn't you just pull some of that ogre stuff on him? You know, throttle him, lay siege to his fortress, grind his bones to make your bread? You know, the whole ogre trip.
Shrek: Oh, I know. Maybe I could have decapitated an entire village, put their heads on a pike, gotten a knife, cut open their spleens and drink their fluids. Does that sound good to you?
Donkey: Uh, no, not really, no.
Shrek: Donkey, think of the saddest thing that's ever happened to you.
Donkey: Oh, man! Where do I begin? First there was the time the farmer traded me for some magic beans. I ain't never gotten over that. Then this fool went off and had a party, and they all starting trying to pin a tail on me. Then they all got drunk, and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "Piñata! Piñata!" What the hell is a piñata, anyway?
I love you my silly :) You are my silly boyfrienddddd !! I am a happiest girl in the whole world because Zachary Owens loves me!!
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