I was dreaming about you when I got woken up by my mum this morning. In my dream we were holding hands sitting in an auditorium waiting for an opera to begin. You tried to kiss me but fail.. (lol) I giggled and then I heard my mum calling my name saying it was already 8 o'clock it was time to wake up............... :( I wonder what would happen in that dream if I didn't get woken up by my mum.
We left the house at around 8.30-ish, we thought we were running late so we took the taxi. From HK to TW is counted as an international flights, and the rules are that you have to be at the airport two hours before the flight depart. We wanted to be there early also because we thought we needed to get the visa thing which might take a while; but after we got there, the lady told us that British citizen doesn't need a visa to go to Taiwan. That was SO GREAT, we got time to shop around in those duty free shops (:P) and I got to send you an e-mail and say goodbye to Benjamin through MSN before we get on the flight.
It was a good flight afterall. We had a little something to eat on flight, I took a little nap and I don't think I clinched my teeth like I usually(?) do :) It was only a two hour flight from HK to TW so it was pretty quick to me since my normal flight times are usually no shorter than 10 hours.... :)
We arrived Taipei and met up with Kai at 1-ish. He took us to the hotel that he found for us online, but my mum didn't like the hotel because it was kinda motel type and my mum would like to pay double or even triple to have some good nights of sleep. Kai then found us a better hotel and now we are staying in there. The first hotel gave us some trouble because we told them we didn't want their rooms anymore and they wouldn't let us have our money back. Kai said he would handle this and told us to wait him somewhere else. Both Kai and I knew what he was going to do but my bro and my mum didn't. After a while he met up with us and said he got all the money back... I asked if he yell at people and even swear (because I knew he would) and he smiled. Ohhh Kai. What should I do with your roommate? Did you not educate him enough when you guys were rooming, or were you guys like that when the door is closed? Anyway, he took us to a hotel and this time my mum likes it. It was still pretty small but it was good enough.
After all the settle downs he took us to walk around central TaiPei and it was fun looking around experiencing the Taiwanese culture. People were especially interesting because although HK and TW are so close and we share some of the cultures together, Taiwanese are just SO DIFFERENT with Hong Kongese. They dress differently, they act differenly think differently talk obviously differently but apart from we look alike (we are both YELLOW), there's nothing similar between Taiwanese and hong Kongese. I don't know how to explain.. Taiwanese are so casual and fun.. and Hong Kongese are just hippocrates if you will.
There are a lot of motorcycles in TaiPei. They are just everywhere.. I was crossing the traffic light today and when I looked at my right at where the cars were, I thought there were motor cycle armys ready to run me over. It was that scary.
We went to the famous night market which only sell Food.. A LOT A LOT A LOT of food.
Different weird kinds of foooood that I've never seen before! These are some meat on stick waiting to be grilled and taken away...
It was soooooooooo sad because both my mum and Marco hated the food that we had today. Not sure why.. they said things in Hong Kong tasted better but HEY we traveled to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY that's how things are... you can't expect everyone have same taste as you and you can't change anything about anything except your own little views on things. I was actually mad at them for a while... Kai took care of us for the whole day, he went everywhere with us, he tried soooooo hard to make me and my family happy and he worried all the time if they like the place he took us to, or if we like Taipei or not. But appearantly all they did was complain complain AND complain. About everything. :( I said sorry to Kai over a hundred time hope he would't mind.
EWWWWWWWWWWWW I know. But it was not real frog egg don't worry boyfriend haha.. It was just some kinds of tiny jelly balls things made of flour, and they mix it with the milk and tea. I asked Kai why did they call it the frog eggs and Kai didn't even know. :) It tasted.. um. Interesting :)
We got back to the hotel at 9-ish because my 'others' were tired. We did some washing ups and now they're in bed. AND I am talking to you with your penguin :)
This coin type of thing is a railway ticket. How cute!
Jackie says HI
Sitting on the bed thinking about his buddy wondering how he's doing..........
Boyfriend you have no idea how much I miss you.............. I don't even want to be apart from you anymore. Why do I have to miss my Zach Owens and not being able to see him? I miss you so much I am not kidding. I think about you every single minutes, and I think about you more and more and more especially when all I can do is keep thinking about you. I hate life without you! Boyfriend.. I miss you.. I miss you I miss you you have NO IDEA. :( Boyfriend... do you love me? Do you REALLY love me? Can you please not let me think about you like crazy that I hate myself so much for loving someone so much and can't do anything about it?
I love you boyfriend. I really do.
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