Germany 2:0 winning Argentina BYE BYE!

Haha sorry boyfriend.. I got distracted by the world cup game.. Germany is So gonna win!
NICE!!!!!!! 12 minutes left! Awwwww Poor Messi he is known as the greatest football player alive but he hasn't got one goal in yet so far this world cup season.. :( POOR Messi.. SORRY ARGENTINA!
*Wincy being distracted by the game....*
7 minutes left! BYE BYEEE!!!
WHAT I SAW YOU STEPPING ON HIS KNEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Still being distracted by the game.......................*
YEP! Germany gets to go to the last four game! WOOOOT WOOOOT!!!!
Hahahahahaa sorrry boyfriend.. I am now heading back to writing you on this blog :)
Silly boyfriend... I miss you. It was soooo funny when I was at my grandma's, because my elder cousin was there (the "player" whom I told you about) and he started getting me to date some of his friends and said I really need a boyfriend for the summer so that I could hang out with him and won't be too bored................. And he asked if I would like Korean Japanese Indonisian German English Canadian and I told him that I would love to date an African. (JUST KIDDING! I only love my boyfriend and he's the only one for me!!!) But seriously, I do always have a heart for Africans they are allll soooooooooooo talented at sport at music at everything!!! ( Still, I LOVE MY ZACH OWENS THE BEST AND WHO CARES ABOUT THE REST!) I had my grandmother scared because I told them I love Africans and she said she wasn't sure how to react having an African great grand-children.... hahahhahaaaaa.
It was even funnier when my grandma was commenting about how she thought I had a "great body" and if she was a guy she would marry me............................................
Naughty grandmama... you should seriously meet her I'm sure you guys would be buddies. Or even pen pals.
I love you my silly boyfriend. I miss you... I hope your paper work thing went great and I hope everything else went well as well! Boyfriend I will always, ALWAYS be here for you my silly boyfriend. I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! Thank you for that AWESOME post! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I read it over and over again and it made me smile no matter how many times I read it I. You are a great boyfriend. You are SO GREAT! Boyfriend I love you. I love you i love you i love you! You are the best (est) (er) (est) (er) (est) (er) (EST) !!!!!!!!!!!
Boyfriend :) Emi and I finally got to "sit down" and talk tonight. We haven't been able to since she has been busy taking summer courses in NWC and I never got to see her after the last supper date we had. We talked about how our last days in NWC were, and how is she doing now and how is her preperation for Sionx City Community College next goes. And she asked about us.. I told her that we are doing great and some tiny things between us like I call you boyfriend and you call me girlfriend... it made her sooooooo happy and she said us being together has totally made her day :) She knew many things between us because I used to go to her whenever I missed you or whenever there was something happened... she said she would love to meet you and I told her that she'll eventually meet you :)
OH and I see you! Boyfriend calls! :)
Boyfriend i love you........... I love everything about you.. boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend!!
Okay i think i should concentrate talking to you... so by for now!
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